Uncategorized San Jacinto: a ‘kidnapped’ town waiting for reparations This municipality, which is located right in the middle of the Montes de María region, has long been troubled by armed groups. Its populace has... 502
Uncategorized Victims of the seizure of Mitú: disconnected from the JEP and awaiting a territorial hearing The people affected by one of the bloodiest raids perpetrated by the now defunct FARC guerrillas are asking for transitional justice to reach Vaupés and... 623
Uncategorized Uniformed soldiers kidnapped, victims of the FARC and the State The now-defunct FARC guerrillas held hundreds of troops and police officers captive in the late 1990s in order to press for an exchange for rebels... 665
Uncategorized Sexual violence during kidnapping, an invisible crime in the JEP? One of the most advanced processes within this transitional justice system is Case 01, which is related to the former FARC’s serious deprivations of liberty.... 1.4K